What Does Someone Who Is an Atheist Believe?

According to Merriam-Webster, an atheist is defined as a “person who does not believe in the existence of a god or multiple gods.
All of the Following Countries are Majority Buddhist Except?

According to a census from 2011, Buddhism is the second-largest religion in the country of Nepal, with Hinduism at the lead.
Muslim Women Can Often Be Found Wearing A:

A hijab is a customary head covering worn by Muslim women in order to maintain privacy and modesty from unrelated males.
Buddhists, Jains, and Hindus Believe It Is Immoral to Harm Living Things, a Principle Referred To As:

In Buddhism, Ahisma is an ancient principle that outlines respect for all living things and the avoidance of violence toward other living things.
What Language Did Egyptian Christians Use For Liturgical Purposes?

Alongside Modern Standard Arabic, the Coptic language is the liturgic language of the Coptic Catholic and Coptic Orthodox Church. The language has had little influence outside Egypt.
Which of the Following Is NOT Part of the Ten Commandments

There is no text in the ten commandments forbidding people to be intimate with one another. The closest commandment would be “thou shalt not commit adultery.”
What Sect of Buddhism do the People of Sri Lanka Follow?

According to a 2012 study, 70.2% of the people of Sri Lanka follow Theravada Buddhism. This sect of Buddhism is the oldest existing school in the religion.
Muslims Must Eat ______-certified food

Please select 2 correct answers
Halal is an Arabic term that means “permitted” or “lawful,” and refers to anything that is allowed under Islamic law.
Roman Catholic Liturgical Texts are Written In What Language?

Latin is undoubtedly the most popular language for the Roman Catholic Liturgy, as it has been used for more than 16 centuries.
Which of the Following Religions Does Not Have a Clear Founder?

Hinduism, unlike many of the world’s religions, does not have a clear founder. Instead, this group of beliefs has evolved greatly over time.
Which Country Has a Majority Secular Population?

As of today, there is no dominant religion in Japan, and many Japanese people often follow multiple religious traditions or a combination of practices from various religions.
Who is the Founder of Buddhism?

The teachings of the ascetic Siddhartha Gautama in India more than 2,500 years ago gave rise to modern-day Buddhism.
What is the Holiest City in Islam?

Mecca is the holiest city in Islam, as it is home to the Kaaba in the Mashid Al-Haram, the holiest site in the religion.
How Many Times a Day do Muslims Pray?

Muslims pray five times per day — at sunrise, at noon, during mid-afternoon, at sunset, and in the evening.
What is the Holy Book of Islam Called?

The holy book of Islam is called the Qur’an, which is a book that was revealed to Muhammad over a twenty-three-year period, starting with the initial revelation at Mount Hira.